
Idle Office Tycoon
Period of collaboration
Since December 2022 - To this day
Number of produced creatives:
4 creative packs, 40+ creatives
Great work! Creatives out of box! Good quality. Obvious user acquisition growth for us!
Boloyo Limited, Director, Carrie Yin
✓ Produce top-performing creatives
✓ Generate more purchases and help to get higher ROAS
✓ Produce variations of the successful creatives to prolong their performance
Unique Creative Approaches
The creative approach success structure
Our creatives underwent evaluation based on ROAS and the ability to gain ad spend. Several of them met KPIs and demonstrated favorable outcomes
Gameplay 3d videos with creative elements

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Let’s Talk
Ad creative can describe your product in a matter 
of seconds. And we can help you do this efficiently. Get in touch with us!

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